Faculty of Economic Studies & Political Science

    Enrolment Halt

    The Faculty Council can pause the enrollment of a student for up to two consecutive or separate academic years during his/her course of study at the faculty, if the student provides an acceptable excuse that hinders his/her full-time study. If necessary, the University Council, through the Vice Counsellor for Educational and Student Affairs, may extend the enrollment halt for up to two extra years in addition to the two years extended by the Faculty Council.


    The Alexandria University Council identified several regulations with respect to halting and resuming the enrollment of students. These are as follows:

    1. The student must request to halt his/her enrollment prior to the exams period, indicating the necessary reasons and the desired duration of the halt. The enrollment halt is only effective after the approval of the Faculty Council.

    2. No student can be re-enrolled into the faculty program unless the Faculty Council has approved his/her halt before, along with presenting the necessary documents.

    3. The enrollment of a student cannot be halted for more than four years during the course of his/her study. In the case of compelling and imperative circumstances, the University Council of Educational and Student Affairs may consider the other cases that exceed this specified period.

    4. The enrollment halts of the male students, who are already conscripted for military service, are not counted within their regulated opportunities for enrollment halt.


    The Supreme Council of Universities has also decreed in 27/2/1993 the following:

    1. The final-year student, failing in no more than half the number of the year’s courses (or in the only course he/she has in the faculties with only one course in their final year), can re-sit the exams until he/she passes.

    2. The final- and second-to-final-year students are granted two additional chances to re-sit their exams.